- Essential Oils
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- EO Wintergreen 15 ml
EO Wintergreen 15 ml
*Marvelous deep penetrating wintergreen. It feels so good, diluted in natural expeller pressed oils on hands and joints as it soaks down deep and helps the body release pain and tension... Can also be used externally on mammary systems that are congested (diluted properly of course). This makes a nice 'bracer' on equine joints, muscles and legs after a workout- dilute before using (3 -5 drops of this eo to 1 tbsp of olive oil is my preferred choice). Pure, tested and Medicinal grade, as are all of the eo's that we carry.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Always keep essential oils out of reach of children & use responsibly. Do not use around felines. Clear with your medical practitioner or veterinarian if pregnant or using medications. Per the FDA we do not claim to cure, prevent, treat or diagnose disease.