- Essential Oils
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- EO Rosemary 15 ml
EO Rosemary 15 ml
*Rosemary has a wonderful reputation for being an all around body system restorer, and it does it gently. We use Rosemary here in udder/teat dips, for respiratory issues, for animals or humans that have a weak constitution, great also in massages it really helps the circulation and inflammation in muscles. Wonderfully invigorating! in that bath or shower- often giving a tingly feeling to the skin, or on a pot of hot water on the stove. I also like it with any type of herpes condition including coldsores.Rosemary is indeed a very useful herb.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Always keep essential oils out of reach of children & use responsibly. Do not use around felines. Clear with your medical practitioner or veterinarian if pregnant or using medications. Per the FDA we do not claim to cure, prevent, treat or diagnose disease.