- Essential Oils
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- EO Lemon 15 ml
EO Lemon 15 ml
*Lemon essential oil I think of as liquid sunshine- so uplifting and cheerful. Add a few drops to your shower or a pan of water on the stove to enjoy it's abilities... Lemon essential oil is traditionally used to boost vitamin c in a whole foods way (just a drop in juice for an ADULT), I have used it for chemical poisonings such as MSG and to help my body break down excess rock minerals in the body, for baking (just a drop), in crafts, bath salts, and for cleaning. Completely nontoxic it's a nice addition to your essential oil collection. As all citrus can cause photosensitivity only use in areas not exposed to the sun, after sunset, or when indoors / in the barn.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Always keep essential oils out of reach of children & use responsibly. Do not use around felines. Clear with your medical practitioner or veterinarian if pregnant or using medications. Per the FDA we do not claim to cure, prevent, treat or diagnose disease.